Due to the Tohoku Earthquake on March 11, 2011, and the following typhoon on September 21 that same year, the shrine grounds were severely damaged. There is still a great deal of restoration work to be done.
境内被害と島内緑化の問題は、震災前から懸案の問題としてあり、震災でその範囲が極めて拡大した経緯があります。従って、引き続き「「金華山黄金山神社境内修復並びに緑化推進事業」の方で受け付けておりますので、何とぞご理解の上、ご奉賛・ご協力を賜りたくお願い申し上げます。金華山黄金山神社境内修復並びに緑化推進事業につきましては、「金華山黄金山神社境内修復並びに緑化推進事業」の頁をご覧下さい。 (金額はお幾らからでも結構です。)
The insect damage to the pine trees and damages from storms had been a problem even before the Tohoku Earthquake. However, the damage was spread to a much wider area because of the earthquake. We welcome donations to support the recovery from the earthquake as part of the ongoing restoration activities. Please go to the ‘Restoration of Kinkasan Koganeyama Shrine Grounds’ page for more details.
The funds for the great festival (Midoshi Goennen Taisai; a festival to celebrate the year of the serpent, which is held every 12 years) are also utilized for these restoration activities.
祈復興の手拭い Recovery Tenugui
復興支援の意味も含め、1本金1,000円 にて販売しております。
A special Tenugui (towel, or washcloth) was made to wish for a quick recovery from the devastating earthquake. The Tenugui are sold for 1,000 JPY per piece. The profit will be used for the restoration.
Please make your order through phone, fax or Email. We will deliver your order to the specified address with an enclosed postal transfer paper for the payment.